Lubawa Group with the CSR Silver Leaf
The Lubawa Group has been awarded the CSR Silver Leaf in the 9th edition of the survey of ‘Polityka’ weekly.
The Lubawa Group, of which Litex Promo Sp. z o.o. is a part, was awarded the CSR Silver Leaf Award, with distinction for activities supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for projects increasing the efficiency of using water resources included in the environmental policy and risk management system. We are honored that our activities are visible to others, and above all they are positively evaluated.
This is the 9th review conducted by Polityka weekly in cooperation with the Deloitte consulting company and the Responsible Business Forum, in which the solutions of companies aimed at supporting sustainable development and social involvement were assessed.
Polityka CSR Silver Leaf – it is awarded to companies that in their daily operations declare to include all key solutions of the ISO 26000 standard. These companies often rely on the best local and global management practices and apply international standards. In addition, an important element of their management is the ethics management system and the highest standards of personnel management. They regularly inform the stakeholders about the effects of their activities, including in non-financial or integrated reports prepared on the basis of international data disclosure standards. (source: Tygodnik POLITYKA)