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Giants among parasols. Giant line parasols guarantee eye-catching look and the possibility of shading a very large area using one parasol. It’s ideal solution for hotels and big restaurants. The reinforced, twelve-arm structure of the frame guarantee safety and stability. The practical telescopic opening system is operated with a crank. The canopy of each Giant parasol is finished with a second roof that ensures optimal air circulation.

Giants among parasols. Giant line parasols guarantee
eye-catching look and the possibility of shading a very
large area using one parasol. It’s ideal solution for hotels
and big restaurants. The reinforced, twelve-arm structure
of the frame guarantee safety and stability. The practical
telescopic opening system is operated with a crank.
The canopy of each Giant parasol is finished with a second
roof that ensures optimal air circulation.

Litex Promo Sp. z o.o. ul. Staroprzygodzka 117, 63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski, tel. +48 62 737 57 00, fax +48 62 737 57 08
Sąd Rejonowy w Poznaniu dla Nowe Miasto i Wilda, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
KRS: 0000378283, REGON: 021461762, NIP: 8971770609, Kapitał zakładowy: 10.005.000,00 PLN
Copyright © Litex Promo Sp z o.o.