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Stand out with modernity. Parasols with side leg Rio and Ibiza are the perfect, eye-catching advertising medium for exclusive brands, hotels and restaurants. The lateral position of the leg allows full use of the shaded area under the canopy, does not interfere with visibility and does not restrict placement of the furniture under the canopy. Parasols have adjustable angle of the canopy, so you can better match them to the solar conditions. Additionally parasols can be equipped with a mosquito net, which will be great for summer evenings.

Stand out with modernity. Parasols with side leg Rio and
Ibiza are the perfect, eye-catching advertising medium for
exclusive brands, hotels and restaurants. The lateral position
of the leg allows full use of the shaded area under the
canopy, does not interfere with visibility and does not restrict
placement of the furniture under the canopy. Parasols have
adjustable angle of the canopy, so you can better match
them to the solar conditions. Additionally parasols can
be equipped with a mosquito net, which will be great for
summer evenings.

Litex Promo Sp. z o.o. ul. Staroprzygodzka 117, 63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski, tel. +48 62 737 57 00, fax +48 62 737 57 08
Sąd Rejonowy w Poznaniu dla Nowe Miasto i Wilda, IX Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego
KRS: 0000378283, REGON: 021461762, NIP: 8971770609, Kapitał zakładowy: 10.005.000,00 PLN
Copyright © Litex Promo Sp z o.o.