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Archives: Baza wiedzy

How do you prepare to buy an advertising parasol?

Having an advertising parasol is not only about shade on sunny days, but also about effective outdoor advertising for your brand. So it’s no surprise that businesses are looking for ways to keep them in good shape for a long time. Over the...

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Types of opening systems for parasols sunshades

Choosing the right parasol opening system is directly related to the comfort of its use and individual preferences. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages that affect the convenience of using the parasol the speed of its opening, and...

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Wind tunnel tests

The aesthetics goes for us hand in hand with the high quality and durability of the product. To confirm the optimal strength of our umbrellas, we subject them to demanding tests in the wind tunnel of the Warsaw Institute of Aviation. In...

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Parasol finishing. Explore the differences.

Parasol finishing Explore the differences Below you will learn about the differences in the different types of parasol finishing. You will find out which finishing is optimal for wind gusts. Without vent Air circulation diagram Susceptible...

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When to close the parasol?

Any advertising parasol should be closed at a certain wind speed to prevent damage. This is usually the manufacturer’s declared value, provided in wind speed or the scales developed in the 19th century by Admiral Francis Beaufort (physicist...

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