An innovative way for extra outdoor advertising
The detachable advertising system, for use in sunshade parasols, is a system consisting of a printed fabric in the form of suspended panels. It is an additional, innovative way of promotion and advertising using the current infrastructure in gardens and service spaces.
When will you need a suspended ad system?
The system was created to effectively use the area under the parasol. It allows for a quick arrangement of the space for advertising and it for current events, events or promotional campaigns. The detachable advertising system makes it possible to place your own prints on the parasol frame with the use of detachable banners, adjusted to the available surface. Thanks to this form of advertising, you can inform your customers about promotional campaigns or present the advertising of partner companies alternately by ordering several versions of printed panels. This method of advertising will also work in places where local landscape protection regulations do not allow advertising on the parasol cover.
Any and all advertisement under the parasol
The suspended advertising system for parasols will help to distinguish your brand – especially in comparison to other parasols available on the market. The product does not affect air circulation under the parasol or the way it is unfolded. Easy assembly of the system allows you to quickly change the advertisement. Thanks to any personalization and high-quality printing, you can easily prepare your premises for each event.
Suspended advertising system for sunshade parasols (L size)
The L-size advertising system suspended under parasols is a large, additional advertising surface, covering almost the entire structure of the frame’s arms in front of customers’ eyes, which thus improves their aesthetic feeling. Thanks to the L-size advertising suspension, you can make the most of the parasol structure for advertising your brand. You decide what the guests under the parasol will see.
Suspended advertising system for sunshade parasols (S size)
The system of advertisments suspended under the parasol in the small (S) version creates many opportunities for promotion. The suspended panel, which can be printed with your own design, is adapted to the structure of a given parasol, which means that part of the parasol’s frame is covered. This advertising space is perfect for presenting graphic designs related to current promotional campaigns or partner materials.
Suspended advertising system for sunshade parasols Standard – S
Suspended advertising system for sunshade parasols Strong – S
Suspended advertising system for sunshade parasols Strong – L
Suspended advertising system for sunshade parasols Telescopic 3,5×3,5 – L
Suspended advertising system for sunshade parasols Telescopic 4×4 – L